Monday 30 April 2012

Positivity- Do you need to check your attitude?

One thing my parents taught me was that attitude is everything. When I was younger I didn’t quite grasp this, but as I got older it started to make sense. Everything we say and do starts with a thought, so it follows that if our thoughts are negative, it will show in how we treat other people, how we react to situations and what kind of choices we make. Matthew 15: 18 says this: ‘…the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart.’ We may not be feeling negative towards others, but even a negative view of ourselves can affect our words and actions. Attitude is relevant to every single aspect of our lives.
I struggle with my attitude sometimes, but this year has been good for me. I met people who have helped me to turn my attitude around and get out of the negative mind-set that can be so crippling. So, with their comments in mind, here are some of my thoughts on how to stay positive.

Disclaimer: this post is not aimed at anyone who suffers from depression. Depression is a very real thing that requires professional attention. This is simply food for thought.

Friday 27 April 2012

It's Photo Friday! - My week in pictures

Easter break means two things- one, lots of revision, and two, lots of free time. The latter has given me the opportunity to pick up my hobbies again including photography, which I've really missed. So here are some of my favourite photos this week, capturing the best of springtime before it fades away. Enjoy!

 More pics after the jump!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Look what I found in the cupboard!

Sometimes while having a clear-out you find some treasures lurking amongst the piles of rubbish! The other day I came across this little gem:

antique vintage lace cushion cover

I asked my mum where she got this pretty piece of fabric and she said she found it at an antique market years and years ago! It's obviously ridiculously old, and the lace around the edges is torn in places, but its definitely still useable. More pics:

antique lace
Gorgeous, isn't it? Hello new cushion cover!

All you need for the backing is a piece of fabric slightly larger than your front piece, so you can fold it under on one side.

DIY projects are always fun for when boredom strikes!

Monday 23 April 2012

Thoughts on University First Year- Why Change is Good.

Whether you're coming to the end of first year, are considering university, or simply curious, here are my thoughts on what this year has taught me:

Sunday 22 April 2012

Scary new beginnings

Starting something new usually comes with a certain degree of risk, especially if this something is going to be available to the big world wide web. But when I feel compelled to do something my mind is not at ease until I do it. Recently I've wanted to get back into writing, but I felt I needed to do something constructive with it. Scribbling in my journal is therapeutic but lately I've been feeling that I have things to say that I'd actually kind of like to share. As a Christian a lot of my thoughts are going to be based on a biblical perspective, so if that bothers you feel free to skip those posts. Being a complete girly girl at heart I will probably also be posting pictures of pink bunnies  vintage dresses, home decor and anything else that inspires me, so if that's more up your street then rest assured, you can look forward to the eye candy ;)
I hope that was a fairly cohesive summary of what I want to achieve with this, so all that remains is for me to say welcome, and thanks for stopping by!