So, it’s
that time of year again! If you’re aged 16- 21, you’re probably in the middle
of revising for exams of some sort, be it for school, college or university. If you're like me, you probably hate revising, because lets face it, there are lots of things you'd rather be doing instead. You might also find it difficult to get your head down and study, and maybe you're finding the whole thing waaay too stressful and you just want to bury your head in the sand.
As much as you might hate revision, it really is necessary if you want to
achieve the best grades you can get- which you probably do if you’re a) reading
this and b) a normal person. So I thought I would write a mini post with some
(hopefully) helpful tips on how to make the most of your revision.
I am NOT a revision expert. Admittedly, I am actually quite lazy by nature and
find concentrating on studying difficult, so I thought writing out some tips
would benefit me as much as you. Also, this is not meant to be patronising in any way- I'm sure you all have your own methods of revising and know this stuff already. This is just a reminder :) So without further ado, here are the things I
find help me most.
1. Stop
procrastinating! If there’s one thing I do well, it’s procrastinating. I will
literally do anything to put off revision. Facebook. Youtube. Tidying my room.
Making tea. Texting that person back. Online window shopping. Having a dance
party in my room. Rearranging my closet. And while all of those things are good
and some productive, they would be enjoyed so much more if I didn’t have the
thought of revision lurking in the back of my mind. Make a decision on when you
are going to start your revision and stick to it, you will have more fun if you’re
not feeling guilty for not working.
2. Limit
distractions. If you don’t need a computer, don’t keep one nearby. They will only
distract you. Turn off your phone, and if you listen to music make sure it
won’t stop you concentrating. I find I can only listen to music without lyrics
when revising, but it’s different for everyone.
3. Work
somewhere quiet. The silent zone in the library is my favourite- the quiet zone
is never actually that quiet, and I get too distracted in my room!
4. Bribe
yourself. I find this method very effective, especially when it involves food
of some kind. Set yourself an hour of revision perhaps, then eat that cake you
promised yourself, or watch that new episode you wanted to see. Then set
yourself another hour.
5. Take
regular breaks. Most people cannot concentrate continuously for more than 40
minutes. If you find your mind wandering after a while, get up. Eat or drink
something, stretch your legs, then come back to it.
6. Exercise! Going for a short walk can help to clear your head and make you feel more
motivated to work.
7. Change
up your revision methods. I find it easier to revise if I use different
techniques, rather than simply note taking and highlighting. I am naturally
creative so I enjoy making mind maps, but there are lots of other methods you
can use. Post it notes on your wall or revision cards with key points on them
can help you to remember the main information you need.
8. Use
colours. Different colours break up information and make the page easier to
read. It also classifies the information into different categories, and because
it looks nicer I am more inclined to look at it.
9. Pace
yourself- don’t do all your revision in a couple of days. Space it out over a
few weeks if you can.
10. Study
with a friend. This be either helpful or distracting depending on the person
and how you go about it, but testing each other’s knowledge can be more fun and
covers more ground than if you were revising alone.
Well there were my two cents! What are your best tips for revision? Do you have any I could add to this list? Good luck with your studies, and remember to keep calm and carry on!
You actually have no idea how much this helped me get my essay done - so thank you!!
ReplyDeleteJarsminee x
This makes me very happy! Well done for finishing it :) xx