Wednesday 28 November 2012

Things I Love

This month has been a drag. Wet, cold, windy and dark, it's fortunate Christmas is fast approaching- definitely been feeling a touch of the November Blues.

I really like lists though, and thought I would compile a list of other things I like to cheer myself up.

Here it is.

Choosing a new tea from the tea shelves at the supermarket
The view from campus over the city on a sunny day
Finding a new band or artist you instantly love
Walking through dancing leaves when it’s really windy
Walking into Fenwicks, spraying my favourite perfume on from the tester bottle, and walking out again smelling awesome for the rest of the day
The smell of fresh coffee
When you beckon a cat and it comes to you to be stroked
The first day of the year you can feel the sun’s warmth
Giggling over silly things with my housemates
The mutual joy my brother and I share whenever I go home, and the mutual arguing that happens five minutes later
Crisp winter mornings
Being given chocolate
Playing the piano
Belting out the Wicked soundtrack when no-one is home
Mint choc chip ice cream
Finding something amazing in a charity shop
When someone’s laugh is really funny
Wandering around Canterbury town centre’s back streets
Long walks with the family
The sound of waves on the shore
Sunday mornings at church
Vintage shops and markets
Belly dancing
Writing and receiving letters or cards
Holidays abroad
The anticipation before Christmas
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Crunchy leaves
Reading a book in my favourite chair at home
Getting excited about future events or plans
Coffee and cake at Oma's 
Summer evenings
The smell of roses           
Timely encouragements
Going on day trips to London
Spring flowers
Long chats with best friends
Dressing up to go out
The sound of my Portuguese family all talking over each other at high volume
Small group
Cute cafes
Babies laughing
Walking along beaches
Good essay marks

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