Monday 25 June 2012

Quick update

So as I mentioned in the last post, I now have a job. This is good, because I need both the money and the experience. However, it's full time, and therefore regularly updating my blog is a little trickier than it was when I was free and broke. I also managed to pick up some kind of stomach virus on only my second day, which is quite an achievement, I must say. Last week was either spent flat out on the sofa trying to keep my food down, or getting into the swing of office life, which isn't quite as glamorous as they make it look on shows like Mad Men, much to my disappointment. Still, I am now mostly recovered, and I'm getting used to everything the job entails.

When I started work last week I was having a hard time believing that it was all worth it (I'm sure getting my first paycheck will change my mind though), and I had to remind myself that we simply can't have it all. I am incredibly fortunate, though. Finding a summer job where I live is almost impossible. Yes the hours are long and the work is mundane, but it means I can be a bit more free with money for pretty much the first time in my life! I'm looking forward to treating myself a little- expect to see a post dedicated to raving over LUSH products in the next week or so!

I'm definitely planning to get back into a routine with my blog posting, but I'm not going to write under pressure because it won't be from the heart. So until then please bear with me.

Thank you to all who have read my blog thus far. Thank you for all your kind words, texts, and facebook messages, they mean such a lot.

Until next time, then.


Friday 15 June 2012

Photo Friday (15/06/12)

Was definitely planning to update on Wed or Thurs this week but I've ended up being busier than I expected, so will have to wait. Thought I should also mention that I will be starting work full time next week, so I may not be able to blog as often as I have done; we shall see.

This week's photos are from Nene Park and Rutland Water, enjoy!

Monday 11 June 2012

Sometimes, it's OK to not know.

One of the most frequent questions a teenager will get asked is the one that can seem the most daunting: ‘So, what do you want to do with your life?’ I have been asked this countless times, by teachers, family, friends, and well-meaning friends of the family. The answer is always the same- ‘I don’t really know’, and then I proceed to offer a couple of potential options so that I don’t come across as someone who is clearly wasting her time and money at university.

Friday 8 June 2012

Photo Friday (08/06/12)

This week has been nothing less than atrocious weather-wise, which has been unfortunate, and consequently I didn't have the chance to take many pictures outdoors- instead of cancelling the post though I got creative and took some indoor photos instead. There are also a few I managed to take one evening when the sun came out momentarily. Hope you enjoy. 

Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Beauty of Uncertainty

There are times when I get these inexplicable urges to write and honestly I don’t know exactly why. It seems though that as I spill words onto the page, my thoughts rearrange themselves and become clearer in my head; the unconscious becomes conscious, which sounds very Freudian but I believe there is some truth to that idea.

I was looking back on my blog as it is so far and realised that with the exception of a few posts, there is little that truly reflects my own feelings and thoughts as they are now, rather than simply lessons learnt from the past (and of those there are many). So I felt that it was time to give you a little insight into the real me, as I am, right now.

It’s always difficult when it comes to writing for a blog- how much of yourself should you reveal to your readers? You all deserve honesty from me at the very least, for sticking with me thus far, but obviously I cannot go into too many specifics so I hope you will bear with me and not feel as though I’m deliberately speaking in riddles.

Monday 4 June 2012

Modesty- it's not about looking like a nun, it's about respect

This was written a while ago. I have been avoiding posting it for some time (well since I started this blog really), because I know it is a controversial topic and people have differing opinions on the matter. But this has been on my heart for a while now and I feel like I need to share my thoughts. 

I’d like to add that I am not trying to make anyone conform to what I think. The only standards a Christian should be following are God’s, and it’s up to you to decide what you feel constitutes modest clothing. If you’re not a Christian, you might wonder why it's even a topic worth discussing in the 21st century, so if you’re curious, you may want to read on for some food for thought. The bible specifically tells us not to judge others, so I am not here to tell you I don’t agree with your lifestyle, nor do I wish to offend. I urge you not to read this as though I am writing to condemn, but rather to reinforce the truth that you as women are valuable and worthy of respect.

Disclaimer out of the way, let’s move on.

Friday 1 June 2012

Photo Friday (01/06/12)

This week has been so surreal, packed with crazy revision, sitting exams, shopping, coffee, goodbyes and packing. I can't believe I've actually finished my first year, especially when I look back and think of the times I was at the point of giving up. I'm so thankful that I stayed, but I'm thankful this chapter is closing now, and tomorrow morning I can  move out of this house that has been the main cause of my misery.

Due to the aforementioned busy week, photo taking has not been a priority (plus I've showed you Canterbury's best bits now!) Instead, I thought I would show some photos of my holiday in Madeira last summer. You might call it cheating, I call it variety :P

Madeira is so ridiculously beautiful that even the most cleverly edited photography cannot do justice to it- if you ever happen to go there, I hope you find it as lovely as I do (though as my dad is a native Madeiran I am probably biased). 

Enjoy the pictures!