Thursday 16 August 2012

Mini Ireland Adventure- Part II

Hello again everyone!

Here is part II of my Ireland photos. As I said in my last post, Laura and I went to Belfast on Monday and had an awesome time!

Belfast is only a forty minute drive or so from Bangor so Laura's auntie dropped us off and left us to it. We started out by visiting the Ulster Museum which was really cool. The best part was definitely the Da Vinci drawings exhibition- sadly I wasn't allowed to take photos but it was such a privilege seeing real Da Vincis up close!

We started off looking at stuffed animals. I'm quite fond of wolves.

This poor buddy used to live at Belfast zoo... I can't believe they used to keep polar bears in zoos!

Cool car from the 20s.

These crystals glowed in the dark under UV light! 

After wandering around the museum for a while we ventured out into the rain where we walked down to where Laura's uni is.

This is Queen's University. I have to say, it kind of beats Kent, just a little bit.

It was a bit empty as its August, but look how pretty it is!

Here's Laura looking pretty and studenty. After all that walking around it was definitely time for a hot drink so Laura showed me her favourite cafe. 

Our drinks were yummy.

Pizza paninis! 

Afterwards we went here! You all know already how much I love vintage shops, so I was super excited about this one! I found a dress and a beret, and Laura found some boots and those awesome John Lennon sunglasses you saw in the last post.

The rain cleared up when we'd finished in the shop so it was time for more sightseeing! There are some really beautiful buildings in Belfast. It's an odd city because it's a mish mash of old and new, but I like it.

Belfast town hall.

We then headed to Victoria Square for some more shopping!

Look, the sun came out!

We went into this shop called Avoca which is pretty much the best eye candy ever. I took far too many pictures in here!

I wanted to buy everything. I didn't actually buy anything though, you'll be relieved to hear.

How cool are these aprons?

OK that's enough photos of this shop, moving on!

It was time to start heading back so on our way to the station to catch the train we stopped by the river.

Laura in her new boots.

Not sure what this was supposed to be, but it was impressive. Sadly that was all we had time for so we got the train back to Bangor (and then had to walk all the way to Ballyholme!)

Later that evening we cooled off our tired feet. To say it was cold would be an understatement.

Well that's pretty much it folks! I hope you enjoyed these photos :) On Wednesday morning I had to get up very very early to catch my flight back home, but I was so glad to have a couple of days away and see my friend!

Goodbye and love from us both!


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