Friday 10 August 2012

Photo Friday Part I - Church fun day/English Summer

Hi everyone! I hope your weeks have not been as crazy as mine. I'm definitely looking forward to a few days off next week- and very very excited to go and visit my friend Laura in Northern Ireland! I've never been to NI before so this will be an adventure- I can't wait to let her show me around Bangor and Belfast!!

If you read my last post you'll know that last Sunday my church held a little fun day event in one of the local villages. The weather was a bit all over the place but even despite a few typical English downpours we all kept smiling and enjoyed the fun.

A Fun Day wouldn't be a Fun Day without a mandatory BBQ, typically sheltered underneath a gazebo and even more typically surrounded by men. Why is it that a kitchen seems to be a woman's domain but men and BBQs are ubiquitous? (First time I've used ubiquitous in a sentence!).
More pics after the jump!

A football game is also mandatory.

After scoffing a few too many burgers it was time for the real fun. In celebration of the Olympics, our own version of 'horse-racing' was set up... with a hobbyhorse, a reindeer, a Tigger, and a purple unicorn. As you can see there was a certain amount of cheating from Darren on the left. Get back on your horse Daz!

There was also a certain amount of shoving on my Dad and Shane's part...
I didn't get a picture of it but then Noel hilariously ran out in front of them and my Dad threw the horse at him XD.

Then came 'canoeing' races... 

Rick was quite at home in his canoe.

So was Josiah.

When the rain eased up a bit Mum and I went for a little walk to explore the village- it looked so pretty when we drove through it! Cute villages are one of the best things about England, so I hope you enjoy these photos!

And here I am looking suitably patriotic in red, white and blue (and my new1960s handbag!).

I have more photos of my weekend but that will have to go in Part II!

Have a lovely weekend- I'll be back soon with updates from the Emerald Isle!


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