Thursday 2 August 2012

A True Lady- Part I

This post is going to be in two parts, because the points I want to make are sort of separate but linked, if you know what I mean. This is definitely a post for the ladies amongst us, though any gentlemen who are curious are free to read on.

About a month or so back, one of the guys at my home church did a series of sermons on Proverbs. One of the sermons were based on one of my favourites- Proverbs 31- the last chapter in the book.

Many people tend to criticise the bible for subjugating/suppressing women, but for me this passage really contradicts that kind of thinking.

Before you start scratching your heads in confusion, firstly let me clarify that this is NOT a post about marriage, because I’m not exactly qualified in that department, har de har... Someday? I hope so…

I do think that Proverbs 31 is great though because it gives a fine example of what a woman should aspire to be, married or no. And why should we aspire to be so? Well, because it makes the world a much more pleasant place to live in, is one simple reason.

Anyway as I said, I really like this passage, and the sermon on it highlighted some things about it I’d never picked up on before.

In my bible, the subheader is “Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character”. I don’t know what it says in your’s, if you have one, but I like this heading. When I see the word ‘noble’ I often think of royalty, or a dashing figure in a suit of armour (yeah OK let’s not get carried away here), but just to clear up any confusion, this is what the dictionary says about being noble.

    adjective, noun.
4. of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence: anoble thought. 
Synonyms: lofty, elevated, high-mined,principled; magnanimous; honorable, estimable, worthy,meritorious. Antonyms: ignoble, base; vulgar, common.

I won’t copy out the whole passage but happily I don't have to because here is the link if you want to read:
(Thank you God for Biblegateway) :P

I’m just going to pick out a few key points from this passage- the ones that can apply to an unmarried woman as much as to a married one.

       “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands”. You might have just read that and went ‘AAAH SEE A HOUSEWIFE, THAT’S SEXIST’. Context. We obviously don’t need to hand-make our clothes anymore, so let’s just pay attention to the ‘eager hands’ part. Basically, a wife(or woman) of noble character is not a lazy woman. 

"She considers a field and buys it.” A woman who is shrewd and discerning with her finances gets a thumbs up in the bible. 

“Out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.” She also knows how to invest what she has to benefit herself and others.

“She sees that her trading is profitable.” Please tell me how this is in any way discriminatory towards us females, especially in Old Testament times?

“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” This is pretty self-explanatory I think- generosity and compassion are important qualities. 

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come”. A woman who withstands hard times, who respects herself, and is untroubled about the future because she trusts God has it in hand.

This passage is a lot to live up to, but I think it gives some food for thought and some great examples of how best to live.

So you think the bible is sexist towards women? If you do, I hope this post dispelled that notion slightly.

Well those are my brief thoughts on Proverbs 31- click for Part 2 if you’d like to read my thoughts on being a lady!

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