Wednesday 23 May 2012

Why buy second hand?

Why buy second hand?
Some of you will know that I have a bit of a thing for charity shopping. It’s not really a ‘cool’ thing to admit- most people seem to prefer Topshop or Republic, which is understandable. I’m sure a lot of you don’t find anything appealing about trawling through rails of frumpy old jumpers only your grandma would wear (no offence to your grandma, let’s be honest she probably had great style in her day), just on the off chance that you will find something that is a) in your size, b) good condition and c) something you’d actually wear. And I’ll admit, a lot of the time you won’t find anything. But I’ve found that if you’re persistent, sometimes the search pays off!

Read on for reasons why I like to shop second hand!

- It’s CHEAP! As a student, I have a very limited budget when it comes to buying stuff I don’t really need. So for me, finding things in charity shops is the best way to save money but still be able to buy clothes. I’d rather spend £4 on a top that’s been worn a few times than £15 on one that’s brand new. Which brings me to the next point:

- Sometimes, you can find stuff that IS brand new. I’ve found 2 really nice skirts and an angora cardigan that still had the original tags on them. People give stuff away for all sorts of reasons, not just because its old and not fit for their own use anymore. It may have been a present they didn’t like. Maybe it didn’t fit. Maybe they had too much stuff in their wardrobe already.

-You give money to charity. This is a no brainer. The money you pay for your item goes to a good cause.

-Sometimes the charity shops don’t realise the value of what they are selling. I bought a pair of really cute flats once for £4, still good condition. I looked up the brand name online and found that normally they would retail at £50 - £60. BARGAIN. 

-Ethical reasons. We all know (or should know) that the majority of retail stores use some form of exploitation somewhere down the production line, or buy from suppliers who use child labour. I’m not saying we should all stop buying from these stores- there wouldn’t be many places left to shop. But the good thing about buying second hand is that you can shop with peace of mind - yes, someone has already contributed to child labour by buying the item originally, but you are not adding to that by buying it second hand.

-Recycling. Instead of being thrown away and creating more waste, that top someone no longer wanted can find a new home. Good for the environment. 

-Make it your own! If you have basic sewing skills, you can alter the garment if it doesn’t fit perfectly. Just hemming a too long skirt/dress/pair of trousers, cutting a new neckline, changing the buttons or taking in a dress at the sides can turn a piece of clothing from frumpy to stylish.

-Find vintage! Occasionally you might find things from past decades, which not only come back into style all the time but also are unique and sometimes better made than today’s clothes.

-If you’re not fussed about trends, it’s a good option. I’ve never cared much for being dictated to about what I can and cannot wear this season- if I like it and it suits me, I’m wearing it.

-It’s fun! Call me weird, but I find its kind of fun to search through all the rubbish for that gem hiding at the back. Finding a great piece of clothing on the cheap definitely feels better than buying something nice from H&M that ate a hole in your student pocket.

So, I hope you enjoyed reading my top ten reasons to shop second hand! I understand that its not for everyone (hey, that means more for me ;) ), but what do you think? Would you shop second hand or do you feel weird about buying used clothes? Or have you just never considered it before? 

Thanks for reading.

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